The undergraduate robotics coursework lays the foundation that will allow students to take part in the revolutionary work being done at CWRU as well as the world at large. These classes provide in-depth exploration of some of the most important topics in the field of robotics. The following is a list of some sample courses and their syllabi:
- EECS 366/466 Computer Graphics (Cavusoglu))
- EECS 376/476 Mobile Robotics (Newman, G. Lee))
- EMAE 377/477 Biorobotics Team Research (Quinn))
- EECS 391 Artificial Intelligence (Ray, Lewicki))
- EECS 397/600 Special Topics: Software Development for the DARPA Robotics Challenge (Newman)
The graduate robotics coursework builds and expands on the material covered in the undergraduate courses. These classes will give graduate students the educational footing they need to begin working on the most advanced and innovative robotic systems. The following is a list of courses and their syllabi:
- EECS 440 Machine Learning (Ray)
- EECS 476 Mobile Robotics (Newman, G. Lee)
- EECS 483 Digital Control
- EECS 484 Computational Intelligence/Neural Networks (Newman)
- EMAE 488 Advanced Robotics (K. Lee)
- EECS/EMAE 489 Robotics 1 (Cavusoglu, Newman, Quinn)
- EECS 490 Digital Image Processing (Merat)
- EECS 491 Artificial Intelligence: Probabilistic Graphic Models (Lewicki, Ray)
- EECS 496 Artificial Intelligence: Sequential Decision Making (Ray)
- EECS 499 Algorithmic Robots (Cavusoglu)
- EECS 5xx Haptics (Cavusoglu, G. Lee)
- EECS 531 Computer Vision (Lewicki)
- EECS 589 Robotics II (Newman, G. Lee)
For outstanding and devoted engineering students, the Engineering department offers the opportunity to complete an MSE with only one additional year of study (usually MSE completion takes two years). Application for admission to the five year BS/MS program is made after completion of five semesters of course work. Minimum requirements are a 3.2 grade point average and the recommendation of a faculty member of the department.