James Anderson

Professor, Biomedical Engineering


Tan, D., Schiefer, M., Keith, M., Anderson, J., Tyler, J., & Tyler, D. J. (2014). A neural interface provides long-term stable natural touch perception. Science translational medicine, 6 (257), 257ra138--257ra138.
Schiefer, M., Freeberg, M., Pinault, G., Anderson, J., Hoyen, H., Tyler, D. J., & Triolo, R. J. (2013). Selective activation of the human tibial and common peroneal nerves with a flat interface nerve electrode. Journal of neural engineering, 10 (5), 056006.
Fisher, L., Miller, M., Bailey, S., Davis, Jr, J., Anderson, J., Rhode, L., Tyler, D. J., & Triolo, R. J. (2008). Standing after spinal cord injury with four-contact nerve-cuff electrodes for quadriceps stimulation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 16 (5), 473--478.